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(Version 6.2 . Build 2023036)
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Showing articles from Login tag

What if I lost my token code?

Please reach out to FYC support and we'll work on locating the code.

Login Issue on Smaller iPhones - 4, 5, 5S, 6, 6S, SE [FIXED IN 2018.11.2]

There is a known bug in **iOS Ver. 2018.11.1** on smaller iPhones which affects the users' ability to login. The bottom UI elements are overlapping the Login button so when the user clicks "Log In" they are accidentally hitting the "Terms of Use" external link. **Fix:** THIS ISSUE WAS FIXED IN BUILD 2018.11.2! **Wor…

Can I use my login code on multiple devices at once?

You may only be logged into one device, per session. If you are logged in on another device, the app will prompt you to end any previous session before allowing you to continue logging in on the device of your choice.

Can I share my login code?

**No.** **This is strictly forbidden.** Due to anti-piracy restrictions, all titles that you are licensed to watch are watermarked both visibly and invisibly (forensically) with your Login Code, IP Address, and a unique identifier for tracking. If titles with your Login ID are used or accessed for unapproved purpos…

How do I get support for the FYC App if I’m locked out?

If you have been locked out of the FYC app, you can access support from the login page by clicking the ['Help'][1] button at the bottom of the screen. You will be redirected to the FYC FAQ page. ![][2] [1]: [2]:…

How do I log in?

Go to [][1] and download the FYC app. Once the Desktop, iOS, Android or Apple TV **FYC **app is downloaded you will see the following page: ![][2] Insert your login code provided by your guild and click **"LOG IN"** [1]: [2]:…

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