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Home > FYC Screener Access issues > Login Issue on Smaller iPhones - 4, 5, 5S, 6, 6S, SE [FIXED IN 2018.11.2]
Login Issue on Smaller iPhones - 4, 5, 5S, 6, 6S, SE [FIXED IN 2018.11.2]
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There is a known bug in iOS Ver. 2018.11.1 on smaller iPhones which affects the users' ability to login. The bottom UI elements are overlapping the Login button so when the user clicks "Log In" they are accidentally hitting the "Terms of Use" external link.


Workaround: It is still possible to login by carefully selecting parts of the login button

Phones Affected: iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5s, SE, iPhone 6/6s/7 in "zoom" mode

Frame Grab (See below)

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